Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Arab Revolt in 3-D

By Salaam Abdul Khaliq
Monday, 11 April 2011

Just late last year, no one could have predicted the fall of the regimes in Tunisia and Egypt. No one would have believed this could actually happen in their lifetime. Ben Ali ruled Tunisia for 23 years and Mubarak ruled Egypt for 31 years. Both seemed immortal. Yet, with two peaceful revolutions the brave peoples of Tunisia and Egypt pulled the rug from underneath everyone’s feet and routed two tyrannies within weeks.
The Arab revolt, like wild fire, spread quickly to Morocco, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan and Syria. As if inspired by a divine call, the much maligned and scorned masses knocked the walls of fear down and took to the streets to claim their freedom, dignity, and human rights. Arab regimes that only a fortnight ago seemed as stalwart as an oak tree all of a sudden started to crack like firewood. Their little police states started to crumble like a deck of cards with no western power being able to come to their help. Once they heard the chants of “the people want to bring down the regime,” they knew the end was near.

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