Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Israel's Dirty Dozen (s): A Case of Zionist "Foot and Mouth Disease"

by Mohamed Khodr

In one of my favorite movies "The Dirty Dozen", Lee Marvin gathers twelve men of disrepute who've committed murder, felony crimes, fraud, and robbery for an undercover mission against a German target. Although all but two die they succeed in their mission. The Nazis are such evil people that we cheer these men as they kill military and civilian men and women alike in cold blooded fashion shoving them into the basement, blocking all access and laying siege to the palace until all are murdered. We feel detached and desensitized to the death of the Nazi "terrorists and murderers" because of our historical knowledge and indoctrination through the media and movies that all Nazi's are evil.

Most dangerous among these gangs are Israel's American Columnists whose allegiance to this country is questionable given their propensity to keep the Arab-Israeli conflict alive and well to the financial, military, and expansionist land policy of Israel: They are the real "Dirty Dozen (s)" They are the rich, successful, unchallenged purveyors of bias, hate, myth making, and lies who adorn the pages of the Op-Ed pages of our most powerful papers and who value Israel's interest above America's.
The Dirty Dozen (s) Honor Roll

Jeff Jacoby, George Will, Cal Thomas, Charles Krauthammer, Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Edward Luttwak, Mark Halprin, William Safire, Thomas Friedman, Mort Zuckerman, R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr, Don Feder, James Pinkerton, Judith Miller, etc. etc. etc.

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